215 Boomerang Drive, Blueys Beach New South Wales 2428 Australia

Privacy Act Statement/Acknowledgement

Privacy Act Statement/Acknowledgement

In accordance with Privacy Principle 1.3 of the Privacy Act we require you to read and sign this acknowledgement. In order to process a tenancy application a tenancy applicant is required under the National Privacy Principles of Privacy Act to be made aware that an organization may access a database. In addition a tenancy applicant is entitled to know what will happen to their information when it is passes onto an agent.

In accordance with the National Privacy Principles the database member discloses that in addition to information being supplied to a database company other organizations may receive information from time to time. Other organizations may include debt collection agencies, insurance companies, government departments and other landlords or agents.

I/we the said applicant/s declare that I/we give my/our permission to the agent to collect my/our information and pass such information onto TICA Default Tenancy Control Pty Ltd. I/we further give my/our permission for my/our information to be provided to any other tenancy database for the assessment of my/our tenancy application. I/we further give consent to the member of the Database Company to contact any of my/our referees provided by me/us in my/our tenancy application.

I/we agree and understand that once a tenancy application has been lodged with a member of a tenancy database and an inquiry made with a tenancy database my/our information may be recorded as making an inquiry.

I/we agree that in the event of a default occurring under a tenancy agreement I/we give my/our permission to the member of a tenancy database to register any of my details of such breech with a tenancy database. I/we further agree and understand that the removal of such information from a database company is subject to the conditions of the Database Company.

I/we understand that TICA Default Tenancy Control Pty Ltd is a database company that allows its member’s access to information accumulated from members about tenants who have breached their tenancy agreements.

I/we agree and understand that should I fail to provide the database member with the information and acknowledgements required the database member may elect not to proceed with my/our tenancy application. I/we agree and understand that a listing with TICA Default Tenancy Control Pty Ltd could have an adverse effect on my/our ability to obtain future rental accommodation.

I/we acknowledge and understand that TICA Default Control Pty Ltd can be contacted on 190 222 0346. I/we agree that the calls to TICA Default Tenancy Control Pty Ltd are charged at $5.45 per minute inclusive of GST.

Applicants Name/s___________________________________________________________________________

Signed by member ____________________________________

Signed by applicants __________________________________

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